Wayne Maddison

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    Ecology, Evolution
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    David and Lucile Packard Fellow for Science and Engineering (1993-1998); Associate and Assistant Professor, University of Arizona (1990-2003); NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, U. C. Berkeley (1988-1990); PhD, Harvard University (1988); BSc Zoology, University of Toronto (1980)

My research arose from a fascination with the diversity of forms and behaviours of jumping spiders, which led to systematics, which led to phylogenetic theory and computer programming. My work continues to be both empirical, on spiders, and theoretical, on the use of phylogeny in evolutionary inference.

Phylogenetic histories within and among species
Experimental and molecular approaches to plant biosystematics 53: 273-287
Maddison, W.P
MacClade version 3: Analysis of phylogeny and character evolution
Maddison, W.P. and D.R. Maddison
Squared-change parsimony reconstructions of ancestral states for continuous-valued characters on a phylogenetic tree
Systematic Zoology. 40: 304-314
Maddison, W.P
A method for testing the correlated evolution of two binary characters: are gains or losses concentrated on certain branches of a phylogenetic tree?
Evolution 44: 539-557
Maddison, W.P
A cladistic measure of gene flow inferred from the phylogeny of alleles
Genetics 123: 603-613
Slatkin, M. and W. P. Maddison
Outgroup analysis and parsimony
Syst. Zool. 33: 83-103
Maddison, W.P., M.J. Donoghue and D.R. Maddison